A Guide On Fire Warden Training

30 April 2020
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

How would you respond if a fire broke out in your business premises or workplace? Most buildings in Australia have fire response equipment such as alarms and extinguishers. However, people that work on the premises do not know how to respond to fires. 

Fire warden training is a short course designed to equip your employees or workmates with skills required to respond to a fire emergency. Read the article below to learn more about fire warden training and the benefits of enrolling in a fire warden training course.

What Are The Benefits of Fire Warden Training? 

Having fire wardens in your organisation can help mitigate the effects of a fire. For example, the wardens can conduct regular inspections to identify fire risks in your premises. A cracked gas burner hose, for instance, could cause a fire in the kitchen. Fire wardens are well trained on how to activate fire alarms and use extinguishers. In addition, they will develop an emergency response plan that details what measures people should take in case of a fire and which routes they should use to evacuate the building. 

How To Enrol in a Fire Warden Training Course

Below are some few tips to help you enrol in a fire warden training course.  

Choosing A Training Partner

Conduct some research to identify organisations that provide fire warden training in your locality. Check the services provided. For instance, other than warden training, some organisations will conduct building inspections to ensure your premises meets the required safety standards. They may also offer support services such as fire response.

Course Components

The course should equip the learner with a wide range of fire response skills. These include fire safety inspection, raising alarms, evacuation procedures and coordination, first aid skills, how to deal with bomb threats, how to prepare and mitigate fire threats and what do after the fire incident.

Online And Onsite Training

Some of the course material can be taught through an online program. It is a suitable choice since your employees do not have to adjust their schedule to attend fire warden training. You could also work with an organisation that provides onsite training. As such, you do not have to leave the workplace to attend classes. 


Fire wardens should be assessed at the end of the program. People that do not pass the exam should have an opportunity to resit the test. In addition, fire wardens should undertake regular training and drills to ensure they do not forget their training. 

Fire warden training ensures your business is well prepared in case of a fire. It helps reduce property damage and loss of life during fire outbreaks. For more information speak with a professional who provides fire warden training
