Rubbish Removal Pricing Guide

9 October 2020
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

Proper rubbish removal reduces negative environmental impact. That's why you should care about how you dispose of your rubbish. Rubbish removal companies exist to help people and businesses get rid of their rubbish in a safe, cost-effective, and hassle-free manner at a price. If you're contemplating hiring a rubbish removal service, you may want to know how much you'll be charged for your job. The short answer is it depends on your specific situation. Read More 

A Guide On Fire Warden Training

30 April 2020
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

How would you respond if a fire broke out in your business premises or workplace? Most buildings in Australia have fire response equipment such as alarms and extinguishers. However, people that work on the premises do not know how to respond to fires.  Fire warden training is a short course designed to equip your employees or workmates with skills required to respond to a fire emergency. Read the article below to learn more about fire warden training and the benefits of enrolling in a fire warden training course. Read More